Since the needs of clients vary widely, SED Media takes into consideration a variety of factors when quoting price.
Do you need a day rate, half-day rate or even hourly price structure?
Is there an overall budget for the content you want created?
Below are three critical areas that will influence how much a project is going to cost.
(these items are by no means, exhaustive lists.)
Graphic Design (new or existing)
Location Shooting
Talent Acquisition
Defining roles, tasks and production schedule deadlines
Additional needed gear or labor
. . . maybe a team of folks is needed
How will your audience access the content they are looking for?
Would your event venue affect production . . . Rain or Shine?
Permissions obtained for location shooting
Additional gear requirements
Do we need immediate internet/data access?
Where are we going to eat lunch?
(a little SED humor!)
Consider legal permissions for video, images & stock music
How much media-stock resources would your project need to achieve the desired look and feel?
Would you need physical copies of media content on DVDs or flash drive?
Where will the video be hosted? Social media, Youtube, Vimeo, another platform?
SED Media currently doesn't offer content hosting.